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E     To widen and increase their vocabulary by teaching more words and develop

 correct pronunciation.

E     To present English language for the students to explore creativity and

 experience learning with pleasure.

E To teach the students use English rather than to teach them about it.












E    The course covers the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with particular emphasis on listening and speaking.




E The primary goal is to teach communicative competence that is the ability to

communicate in English according to the situation, purpose and roles of the





















































































1. Through oral communication, such as role playing, pair practice, dialogs, and group activities.



2. Through tests: listening skills test, writing tests, short quizzes, from time to time and two long tests.








Expressways Book2 2nd Edition (Pretince Hall Regents) 





In the 21st century, we face many new challenges. It is increasingly evident that the world is shrinking into a gGlobal Villageh. This is one of the challenges facing the youth today. English is now perceived as the most important tool in communication. By learning English their vital contribution in bridging the various gap and fostering mutual understanding among all the peoples of the world as one people in one planet can be truly relevant as we unfold the new century.